

Building from the roots up, our hopes, our dreams, our livlihoods, our destinies, the Christian Association for Regional Development cares about regional development in West Africa.

Poverty and lack of economic growth in the African region has grown tremendously in the last decades. Families in turmoil, Early teenage school dropouts, teenage pregnancy, gender based violence and much more are all plights that afflict West Africa.

Promoting Literacy in Liberia and Sierra Leone


Information and knowledge could have helped immensely in curbing the spread of the Ebola virus, as thousand of lives were lost due to ignorance of how the disease spread - ignorance largely caused by illiteracy. CARD Europe now promotes literacy in partnership with CARD Sierra Leone and KEEP.


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Combined with an almost 15 year long civil war, Liberia was hit very hard. Large parts of the population were displaced as refugees, many of them still have not returned, their homes and businesses destroyed. Jobs are scarce with an unemployment ration of 85% as a consequence. The education system is in ruins. Many schools were destroyed or damaged and are in need of repair. The quality of the educational system is of great concern.

Computer Training Centre in Monrovia, Liberia


As part of CARD's Literacy Program, CARD has established a computer training centre in Monrovia. The training centre will offer free training for 200 students in local schools that do not have access to computers and internet.




The Christmas gift that lights someone's life!


Donate a solar lamp to a family in Liberia and receive a CARD certificate for helping lighting Africa!

Read about the reactions when receiving lamps!


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We seek a world of hope, tolerance and social justice, where poverty has been eradicated and people live in dignity and security. CARD will be a global force and a partner of choice within a worldwide movent dedicated to the ending of poverty. We will be known for our unshakable commitment to the dignity of people. The cards we are dealt in life are not the cards we have to live with. Change must come from within us, the will and right to live in a safe and secure world.